Instead of doing the fifteen other things I needed to do last night I sat on the couch and knitted. Dell has us all working on a project at the moment-
Denim. This photo sadly doesn't do the yarn any justice, it is the deepest darkest indigo and as I knit my hands get stained with dye. As I have said, I loathe the colour blue (generalisation alert) but I love 'indigo' with all my heart, to me it isn't a 'blue' at all, it transcends the concept of blue, look close and indigo is a conversation of red and green and purple. Indigo is not a static colour, it fades out through a myriad of subtle shades, it stains your skin, it talks of a long textile history. Without it 'rugged cotton twill' would just be canvas. Indigo, how I love thee!
ooooh! very pleased miss. Gold star!