Saturday 2 April 2011

breakfast of champignons

OK so perhaps not the most healthy of breakfasts but who can go passed a cannellé straight from the oven?
(Just realised the settings on the camera are all out so they don't look quite so eggy yellow as they should... and having just scoffed one I can't re-do the photo. Of course I could have re-shot it with two and you would have been none the wiser..... oh dear there is only one left now....)
I went to the studio yesterday, the first time in a week, and had to put blinkers one to avoid the piles of mess everywhere from the last few weeks market preparation. I really should have spent the day cleaning but that would have just made me feel a bit flat and bored so instead I had a play with some new stuff I'm working on. Not perfect but I have now put the 'blank page' issue that looms over new projects to one side and hopefully will feel a little more confident when I really focus on it.
Having had last Saturday 'off' from the shop I am once again shopgirl today. Hence the need for cannellé treats! I am so looking forward to a big sleep in tomorrow. Doesn't the end of daylight savings mean an extra hour to lie in?

1 comment:

  1. dribbling over a computer not a good look! They look divine, yum!

    Have a good day shop girl!

    Sarah x


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