Monday, 7 June 2010

hands to work

As part of Craft Victoria's 40th anniversary Beck organised a project. She commissioned Dell and Adam to design a tote and then we all had the chance to decorate one in our own way.
I just couldn't help myself and managed to chop up two totes (#12 and #13 of 200) to make this pair of crafty mittens. I really enjoyed doing them, I don't get much chance to do something like this just for the fun of it.
So if you feel like joining in you need to hot-foot it to Craft Vic to buy a tote and get creative asap- entries are due in by this Friday. Oh! Did I say there are prizes you can win? Well there are!


  1. This is so beautiful Pen, warming in every way. It must have been nice to work on something just for 'fun'! R

  2. Good luck with your entry Pen. They look like they would be swell oven gloves!

  3. Kicking it up a notch or three as usual.
    Lovely work clever Pene.

  4. these are so great Pene! very special

  5. Very cool - love 'hand made'!

  6. I just love, love, love them Pen,
    you certainly turned the volume up to eleven on this one, and I'm super happy for providing the impetus for a fun project - YOU RULE!!!

    Beck x

  7. they are so fab, I love the message most of all. I bought a tote but didn't get around to the "project" of decorating it!


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