Why is it you go away for a break, a rest, a recharge and you come back all discombobulated?
This week I feel I haven't got anywhere. I am longing for a day when I don't have to get out of bed. I am (sorting of) longing for a day at the studio. I am longing for a day that feels slightly productive. It's not that I haven't been doing stuff, exactly the opposite, but it's all been very bits-and-pieces, errands and silly little jobs and photo shoots and replying to emails.
Today is a shopgirl day for me, I'm filling in for Miss Dell, and I feel I need something to keep my hands busy. Perhaps I should finish those Owlettes that have been piled in baskets and buckets around the couch for the last *cough*cough* 6 months (probably longer if I really thought about it). And I need to sort out this damn window display that has had me bamboozled for the last month.
Must be something in the air, I too feel I’m stuck in a limbo stage – want a holiday but not sure I have the motivation to get any projects done in my free time!