Sunday, 26 September 2010

tweet tweet

Jethro's favourite sunny morning spot.
Balancing on the top of the sash, leaning into the bars (I really can't figure out how he still fits up there).
My favourite Sunday morning position, in bed with the newspapers. Today's M section of The Age featured a bird and branch story and there are the Cottage's doily branches and stuffed budgies! Emily even had nice things to say about the Magnolia tree.


  1. Yes! We saw your wares yesterday in the Age, they don't know their doilies from their embroideries! Oh I'm so pedantic....

  2. As soon as I saw that page yesterday I thought I bet I know who that is! I love it when someone I know is in the paper, I get so excited for them.

  3. Pedantry has nothing to do with it. To not know the difference between and crocheted doily and an embroidery is like not knowing the difference between a car and a motorbike.

    Then again, the Bayeux is called a tapestry...



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