These bubbles of glass are going to send me mad- if they haven't already.
I marked a hundred of the little buggers tonight.
I've changed the displays in the shop what seems like half a dozen times this evening and unpicked 2 shibori kimonos. My back hurts, my feet hurt and I have had a very frustrating 2 days.
I think I should go to bed.
Anyway, there is a slightly madcap roses and horses window for Cup Week, and I've put out the first batch of vintage Xmas decorations (as it is the 1st of November tomorrow). I've run out of tags so there will be more out over the next week but there are lots of medium sized kugels and indents for you to peruse. This batch vary in price from about $12 up to $18. Most of them are from the 50s and 60s- amazing they have lasted this long! And the moustaches will be tagged and ready for any undercover operations you may need to dress up for.