Wednesday, 14 May 2008

cottage industry (on-line) store

Got home late from teaching and then a meeting for Before and After. I've spent the last 2 hours tapping away at the computer and trying to upload photos- Blogspot always goes slow when you think your head is going to explode- at least Indi and his Dad were adventuring on the TV (wasn't the Sean Connery casting just too brilliant?!).
And why have I been tippity-typing?
Well I've been trying to set up the Cottage Industry On-line Store. Just doing the ground work at the moment but hopefully very soon there will even be STUFF FOR SALE! 
We'll be able to take credit card orders over the phone or payments can be made via bank transfer and eventually pay-pal.
Then we'll wrap your parcel in brown paper and string and pop it in the mail.
There is something so exciting about getting a package in the post. It's kind of really retro!


  1. top drawer, now i know i'll still be able to get all my goodies once my whale shaped confinement really kicks in!!!


Please leave a message for me.
I like getting mail!