Thursday 26 August 2010


Probably not a good idea to try and pack and socialise at the same time.
Sure I will forget something.
Or everything.....

A couple of years ago I posted about the rise of embroidered crafty CD covers, now it appears that cats are the flavour of the month. I dropped in to my favourite music store the other day to find these three arrayed on the shelves. Nathan sprung me taking a Hipstamatic snap and showed me his iPhone series of 'twin' CD cover images (that's where there are two almost identical images used on different CDs). Nerd.

My cat is asleep in a cardboard box. He knows I'm up to something.

The House Elves have informed me that under Workplace Agreements they are fine with cleaning however it is not  their role to pack stuff away and actually make order out of chaos so things are going to have to stay as they are for the foreseeable future. Oh well.


  1. why do you think i'm coming over next Thursday?
    tell jethro to buy me some black rubber gloves ploise!

  2. Happy to help.

    Beats cleaning my house any day.


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