Thursday 4 February 2010


I woke up, at 4 this morning. out of dream that I was wrangling a shopping trolley full of kittens to realise that the squirming feeling was actually my gut and things weren't 'right'. 
A nasty bout of gastro that I am really hoping is of the 24 hour variety. 
I almost passed out at the chemist this morning and the short walk home was shaky and sweaty. The day has been sleeping and moving slowly and this evening vegemite toast.
Apart from being perpetually tired and often in pain from old injuries I don't often get actually ill so I'm sure I will be grumpy and frustrated by tomorrow and hopefully over the shakes and can get out to run errands and sort a few things out. 
I managed to get half of the new blue Agathas done yesterday but if I get into the studio tomorrow I have a huge list of other things to start. The shop is looking a bit empty.

1 comment:

  1. Hello darling. I was just prompted onto facebook as a friend's surfaced in Melbourne - and I saw that you're poorly. I was going to send him to say hello to you but you may not be in the mood for company for a while. Oh dear. I have to say that squirming kittens is the most elegant description of a trotty botty that I've ever heard! Mine's never been so cute as that! Tallulah's been ill more or less since September, so it's been a bloody nightmare here, hence I'm so underground. Victor's giving me some catch-up time this weekend though, so I'll hopefully be able to email and bug people (such as yourself) albeit for a short time only. Sorry to hear about your tum. I was going to tell you to 'take it easy', but that's not really going to happen, right? Ooh - and has Dell seen all the new Donna Wilson fake wood stuff? I keep thinking of her but locked myself out of flickr so can't send her the link. Will try and email you properly at wekend. Sorry for hijacking your blog(!) You can delete this actually, I think... get well soon Queen of Craft xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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