Saturday, 20 February 2010

a change in the light

In the last week you can feel the change towards autumn. Beautiful clear blue skies, a slightly cooler breeze, fresher mornings, the sun not having quite so much bite and the light shifting in the studio. The light now strikes on the edge of the louvres and prisms over the walls and cutting table. Twice a year there is my own private light show for a few weeks. 

Yesterday was a long haul cushioning day and a grand total of 45 zips were put in. Some days doing zips can completely screw with my head but I managed to get through without too many headaches for once. I should put a note on the wall saying 'remember zips aren't too bad' because I always blow jobs like that out in my head, as being awful and then procrastinate over doing them. 
I think I'm also still carrying around with me the feeling that I only have 3 days a week in the studio, as I've had for the last 2 and a half years, and am trying to get my head around those extra 2 days I've got back. And having those days has been lucky with all the appointments and meetings I've had of late. I may be worried about paying the bills but at the same time I'm feeling far less stressed and frustrated. 


  1. your rainbow threads are very beautiful...

  2. That light is so pretty! I love how you photographed it over all white, so thay you got lots of different surfaces and forms, but the colour stays pure...


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