Tuesday 4 November 2008

quantum of procrastination

You know I'm procrastinating when I start cleaning.
As I've said before -there are many other more interesting things to do.
The whole 'cleaning' thing doesn't mean that anything is actually, you know, clean. Although vacuuming and windex-ing was involved, the main thing was to see a little more of the floor and the Big Table now has patches of wood showing through. Really it was all just so that I could do some other work that needs to be done and this could only happen if I managed to sort through all the pattern paper that was forming in snowdrifts at the edges of the Big Room. There are still unpacked boxes littering the landing and various other spots but their unpacking is dependent on some spare cash  and a trip to Ikea. I need more bookshelves.
I also need to get some work sorted, some wholesale orders finished, some hiccups in my life smoothed out and a silver lining fitted.



  1. I disagree procrastination = cleaning. After fighting this untrue phenomenon myself, I have become to accept that the cleaning is part of the renewing of the new creative process.

    Allow yourself to clean, to purge, to renew to let the new spirit in : )

    Let spring welcome you!

    Angela xx

  2. Sorry but cleaning is definitely procrastination around here.
    Also it takes awhile for it to click in. Normally a purge is done in place of a regular clean...... dreaming of being able to afford a cleaning lady one day......... having one would probably make me clean before she came.......

  3. Cute pigeons! That is almost an oxymoron... yay for hiccups being ironed out.


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