Monday 23 December 2013

penultimate day

Just a quickie before I steal 15 minutes nanna nap and then open the shop.
It's the last two days before we shut for a little (well deserved) break.
We'll be open from 10am until 6pm today and 10am until probably about 5pm tomorrow (it depends on whether the day dies in the arse and we are too exhausted to cling on for the final bit).
I was out walking in the rain this morning after dropping the car off for new tyres (there's an expense you don't want just before Xmas!) and it was lovely out, drippy soft rain and luminous jacarandas, everything washed clean.I'm unbelievably tired and has one more present to make before I can call it quits for the year. I have a funny feeling our enamel delivery will arrive at 3.30 tomorrow afternoon, Xmas is like that.
OK, I am dribbling on here, that nanna nap might only be 10 minutes now.
Come visit! We have lovely things!

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