Saturday 19 October 2013

shop! go on you know you want to!

After yesterday's sermon you are probably over me banging on about being in a small business in this economic/political climate. Well it appears I am not the only one in the boat and this is happening today-
'Shop Big in Small Business Day'
Yep you now have an excuse to go out and spend some money!
Call it 'philanthropy'!
If you go to the website then you can check out participating stores and some also have giveaways and bonuses happening today. I believe some lucky people have even received gift cards to spend at participating stores.
I know, I've left it a bit late to tell you but it's been a bit frantic around here with the exhibition and all. If you check on the map for our lovely Gertrude Street then the is Victoria Mason, us, Lark, Metal Couture, Edgeley and Books for Cooks. But really don't just limit yourself to those stores listed, spread the love- shop local, shop handmade, shop owner operated. When you do you are dealing directly with the people who have created these businesses, they are not faceless distant entities but members of your community.
Thanks for your support and kind words yesterday!

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