Thursday 11 July 2013

working, not much playing

I've tried to be a good girl and work hard in the studio this week. I probably was a little too ambitious and pieced together too many pouffés, three is normally the optimum number to work on but somehow I ended up with five and some spare panels (enough for probably another two) which really is a huge number to be working on at one time. These four just need their bases sewn on and their canvas bladders finished and they will be ready to be stuffed.
Today is not looking good for any studio time sadly. I'll be in the shop if you are looking for me. Tomorrow perhaps they will be finished. At the moment there is a lot of juggling of time/staff/work and may have to start doing evenings in the studio if my days get sidetracked. I am too old for late nights in the studio, all those long nights working in my youth.... counterbalanced by long sleep ins....
Anyway I seem to have lost my morning and although Jethro is acting cute in an attempt to get me back into bed (just to warm it up for him) I better get a handle on what I need to do today.
I've finally got around to packing vintage hankies and pricing the Indian steel and brass scissors, the lovely Indian towels are on the shelves and we've had another shipment of the Lisa B spot and dot socks in all styles.
What else?
Can't think.
OK, better get a move on.
Things to do, places to be.

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