Monday 6 May 2013

monday, meetings, markit, @megan_morton and more

A fine autumnal Monday out there.
And I am trying to catch up on all the stuff that got left scattered about after I shut the shop door late on Saturday afternoon. There is mail to go out, purchases to be couriered off (I bought the wrong sized boxes) , emails to be written (sorry of you are waiting, the replies are coming) , bills to be paid (groan, elastically stretching the finances to cover it all, springing back with a snap) and a shop that looked like the mongol hordes had been through leaving a ransacked and pillaged battlefield (the shop manages to get like this between 5pm Saturday and 11am Monday for some reason).
We have the countdown until Markit at Fed Square on the 26th of May and I have no idea what in hell we are taking. I'm shopgirl on Wednesday so if I am really lucky I might get 3 days in the studio this week. As you might be able to tell the little pressure valve on the top of my head is starting to whistle.....
I went to The School's Instameet late yesterday and got to hang with some of my favourite people (and I ate tacos) and basked in the glory that is Megan Morton. As you know I'm not good with social occasions but this was fun and then I came home and sat on the couch and watched TV while I knitted.
I'm all over the place today, OK better get on with the rest of my Monday chores.....

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