Saturday, 2 March 2013
nharg nharg nharg
I've just drowned my sorrows in half a piping hot baguette from d Chirico, with lashings of Pepe Saya butter. Some mornings are like that.
Although it was the first day of Autumn yesterday and I should have been rejoicing I had a right old grumpy day yesterday and was spoiling for a fight, I didn't get into one but you know what I mean, that feeling of nharg nharg nharg. I got to the studio and then couldn't decide what I should be working on first. So many things to do and so many piles of stuff. I made 'harvest smocks' mainly because we have people on the waiting list for them and because they seemed the thing most easily achievable in the mood I was in. Anyway they are done and in the shop as of this morning.
I blame the mood on Sydney and the trade shows, both of them together always get me down. Also lugging a large bag about for three days and stomping all over the town didn't help either. Pain=depression.... will I ever learn? Next week is the thirteenth anniversary of getting slammed into the ground and breaking bones and spirit. Some years the anniversaries hurt more than others, it's looking like it might be one of those this year.
Jethro still has Fear of the Hallway and although the feline pheromones seem to be having a small effect he's still not his old self. I have a theory that the real Jethro has been abducted by aliens and replaced with a slightly less perfect clone. I want the old Jethro back! I did manage to take a really great 'movie' of him chasing balls int he shop last night which ended with him walking up and sticking his nose in the camera... but then I accidentally hit the 'retake' button and lost the whole thing. The lost masterpiece! Technology and I tread a delicate path.
So here we are at Saturday again. My second shop day this week. Whilst I love my Saturdays in the shop and my special Saturday customers I have to admit I am longing for a quiet shut-the-door-Sunday tomorrow, perhaps because I didn't get it last weekend.
New things in the shop this week.... tea cosies, harvest smocks, vintage lampbases and if I get a chance today I will be getting out the stash of Marianne's amazing afghan throws that we have been stockpiling. They are amazing and very different from Ann's beautiful more traditional afghans. You'll just have to wait and see.
OK better dash.
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