It's been a day of laziness and excitement. Tea and toast and the newspapers and little religion.
Of course the religion is not mine but I found the joyous look on the Mary MacKillop paraders to be quite moving.
I do love a bit of bagpiping too.
People of all nations, Tongans in tapa cloth, Indonesian gamalan gongs, Filipino penguin nuns and South Korean neat-and-prim just all made me smile. I think I was photographed leaning against the magnolia feeling a bit like Zachariah and the sycamore tree (you see I might be a complete heathen but seem to remember a hell of a lot of religious stories). It took a good 25 minutes for the parade to walk passed and probably the only bit that weirded me out was a posse of teenage pimply schoolgirls singing a bad modern 'Jesus loves me' type song.
And the Josephites leading the parade in their bright blue scarves were all so sweetly happy you couldn't help but feel how this really is a special day for them.
Enough with religion.
Time to do a bit of vacuuming.
I just wanted to let you know I posted about your fantastic doily tree in battery point, I love it! I only saw one though I'm going to have to look out for the other now : )