I've been having strange dreams (like I care about Heather Mills' divorce from Sir Paul, like I enjoy painting in my sleep....) and am so freakin' tired I just don't have enough energy for anything. Trying to make even the most basic decisions is very hard. I think my brain hurts and I know my nose is discharging paint (sorry, gross I know, but I seriously can't smell a thing and it's all pus-like, so 'discharging paint' sounds so much nicer).
I have taken some time off today, visited Craft Vic to see Caz Gurney's exhibition and chin-wag with Beck for a while. Back to the shop to meet the ill-prepared plumber who I will have to re-meet tomorrow so he can install a new toilet.
Electrician is booked for next Tuesday, so I went and picked up my very special (and most expensive) Deco light shade from the Junk Company. It looks like a pink glass jelly mold. The cotton bound flex and bronze fittings are being put together as I write and should be ready to be picked up in a couple of days, ready for the sparky to do his expensive work.

The bedroom is, as of yesterday, cream, no hint of pea-green. It would have been a really quick job had I not had to paint over the top such a strong colour. Oh well. Won't be living that one down in a hurry.
I also picked up the stripped doors and they are propped up against the wall in the shop. After I carried them in and lined them up I discovered they are all higgled-piggledy in height and will have to trimmed. Quite funny really, the house they originally came from must have been all out of whack!
And it hasn't been all crashing out and blobbing when I get home. I'm rather psycho (as you may have guessed) at the moment and most of my evenings have been spent knitting tams or coat hanger covers or embroidering the last of the linen skirts that I started a month+ ago. Tonight, though, might have to be valium and bed.
(When the plumber was leaving this afternoon, he looked around the almost finished shop and said 'you got a lot of work to do here luv'. I could have cried. I could have laughed.)