Found in Castlemaine- Edgar the Budgerigar. He is ceramic, painted and has a clip for feet.
I am obsessed by budgies at the moment. This started with a huge close-up photo in English Elle Decoration, a couple of months back, of a blue budgie- you could even see his eye-lashes.
We always had a budgie (or two) when we were growing up, there was Nutty, who was blue, and another blue one- can't remember his name- and Baby Jasper (he was mine and the most beautiful shade of irredescent green, with non-matching wings and was a xmas present) and Lady, who was grey, and Monday, who was a wild budg (eucalyptus khaki) who dropped by and stayed... strange we had so many budgies even though we were a total non-aviary type family, always cages and on sunday nights trying to get the budgie back in the cage after its weekly flight around the family room. All good fun.
And I mustn't forget Krishna the Blue Budgie who flew in my bedroom window here in Fitzroy one morning as I tearfully arrived home after a massive fight with my then boyfriend. I stood in shock in the doorway, pointing at the bird on my window sill, he landed on my finger. He was found many years later dead on the floor of his cage and buried underneath the peppercorn tree in the concrete backyard.