Tuesday, 17 November 2009

carole king (4 and 5) comeback

I managed to get these two finished yesterday- which may explain my aching back and difficulty moving. They are quite tiring to stitch together (especially when you are tired anyway). You have to sort of wrestle with them. But they are done and now I have to start hunting tapestries again. And yes the one at the top of the photo does include yesterday's tapestry porn, it now has a seam running down through the middle of the couple so it looks a little less..... ummmm..... wrong, now they look like they are kissing....


  1. god I want one of these so bad it hurts! Let's hope I make enough at the rumble in the jumble to pay one off!!!
    beck xxx

  2. dell has snaffled the one at the bottom of the picture
    she's cheeky like that


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