What a weekend.
I barely have enough time allocated this week to get everything I need to do done and then......
someone steals the number plates of the car Dad loaned me whilst mine was being spruced up.
Yes. Sometime between Friday night and this morning someone nicked both of them. The police were impressed. I now have to spend tomorrow morning sitting at Vic Roads getting new ones. So if you see a car being driven around with number plates reading UDN 869 let me know. Good chance it will be a white Nissan Pulsar hatch......... and do you know how many of those are on the road?! Have a look as you drive- they are everywhere!
Also someone stole the scaffolding ladder that was out the back next door (I warned them!).
See, with a 'nice' man on Friday evening, we've had our own little crime wave. (I'm hoping that the Three Things Rule applies and all will go swimmingly from here on.
The horoscope in the Sunday Herald Sun had me in fits though! (You might have to click on it to read it.) The thing is it actually is spot on- those weirdos do keep me entertained!
Today's project (after the police station, etc) was to get started on the
Project that Must be Finished Before the End of the Week. Well, part of it has been underway for the last couple of weeks but I needed to get the Big Bit done. This bit involves wood, screws, glue, a friend who luckily work at Bunnings (don't we all need one of those?), the old drill and the brand new circular saw and crossed fingers that it will all come together without too many tears.
My back is now severely rooted but I am soldiering on.
Now I've also attempt to avoid the whole Michael Jackson hoo-ha. I've never been a big fan (except maybe for some earlier Jackson 5 stuff) but I have to say I am looking forward to the funeral...... I'm sure bad taste will abound. Well actually I am really hoping. Think Elizabeth Taylor in a long black veil and I'm hoping for something along the lines of Liza Minnelli's wedding to David Gest...... that was a classic! Yeah, I know it's sad (blah, blah, blah) but did you see the drugs list in this morning's paper? I started to think this afternoon as I circular sawed, got out the self tapping screws, etc that maybe all these freaked out celebs should just start crafting. That academic that phoned into the Richard 'The Tool' Stubb's programme last week was talking about the positive mental health aspects of making things. Yes, movie making and music are 'crafts' but I'm talking about the 'down home crafts', made simply and with lurve. Perhaps his doctors shouldn't have prescribed Zoloft and Xanax but rather a knitting pattern and some nice 100% wool yarn.
I know some very special friends of mine are going to never talk to me again for admitting to my lack of enthusiasm for Michael J but I have something worse to get off my chest..........
Abba sucks. Never got them, never will. I have always thought them a big prank, a virilent version of the 'Emperor's New Clothes'. Woah! I feel so much better get that off my chest.
Thanks for listening.