Once again time has got away from me- in very way possible- and I haven't had a chance to write.
Its been that strange in between time with work going out, no money coming and no time to scratch myself.
Decided yeaterday that I couldn't do without new music so blew $50 down at Polyester. As Chris commented 'as usual buying cheerful music...haha', not of course, purchased the latest Low and an old Alasdair Roberts, 'Farewell sorrow' whenst comes the quote above. Fantastic song, reminds me of 'Wind and Rain' (I have a version with Gillian Welch and David Rawlings that is just unbelievable). I think this week's Scottish flavour has been influenced by watching 'Hamish MacBeth' 3rd season over the weekend- Jess and Jason managed to snatch my copy out of the dvd player before it had barely cooled from my watching!
I just can't work to anything to energetic and thrashy, so the last few weeks has been Patsy, Dolly and Nancy on those days when Pat's in working. She loves Dolly.
Christmas With Dennis Severs
6 hours ago
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